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Spring Time, Spicy Donkeys
It's spring, which means most people's donkeys are shaking off the winter blues and getting a little bit spicy. While donkeys tend to...
3 min read

Breeding, Gelding, and Foaling; What Is an Owner to Do?
We've all seen them, they're some of the most common questions in new donkey message boards and social media groups: breeding and...
8 min read
Vaccines: Duration, Efficacy, Timing, Titers, and Why Your Vet is Your Best Resource
Vaccines. You hear from us every spring and autumn about getting your seasonal vaccines, but why do equids seem to need vaccines so much...
6 min read

Best Practices and Precise Word Choice: A Guide to BRAY's Language
For those of you who don’t know us personally, a quick bit of background is due before we get too far into the weeds. The two of us...
4 min read

Study Session: Oral Microbiome in Donkeys, Does Regular Floating Help?
Study Session: Oral Microbiome in Donkeys, Does Regular Floating Help?
2 min read

Not all hay is good hay, and some hay is good for your other livestock, but not for your donkeys. Read more about "Danger Hay"
4 min read

Types of Hay
We’re going to break down common types of hay produced for livestock, their nutrients, and what it all means for your long ears.
4 min read
Forage vs Concentrates, and Processing
Please remember: this is a general guide to help you make informed decisions when navigating the aisles at your local feed store; as...
4 min read

Commonly Seen Donkey Halter Types
In BRAY events there is often going to be only two pieces of required equipment: a lead rope, and a halter. Donkey owners may be...
6 min read
How much does a donkey cost?
What does it cost to own a donkey? Before jumping into ownership it helps to know what you’re getting into. We’re breaking down the cost...
4 min read
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