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Kids and parents asked, we answered! BRAY and the Childrens’ Museum of Yuma County are partnering to bring a veterinary clinic exhibit to the CMYC! If you’ve followed BRAY for any amount of time, you’ll know we love our vets, and we love educated owners; a great way to get more students interested in veterinary medicine, and to help children grow up to be good, caring pet owners, is through educational play. 


But as we all know- it takes a village! That’s where you come in. We need the help of our community of animal lovers to bring our vision to life. CMYC is providing the space, and their invaluable guidance on how to set up an area that can be enjoyed by kids of all ages. BRAY is providing the design, graphics, and animal know-how (with the help of some of our favorite real-life veterinarians, of course). We need you to help us raise funds. Of course, just like our beloved pets come in all sizes and types, there’s room for all sizes of donations as well. See below for some options of how you can be a fundamental part of bringing the CMYC Veterinary Clinic to Yuma area children!

Use the button below to donate a custom amount or click the sponsorship level name to donate that sponsorship level and receive the sponsorship level benefits.

Choose your own donation amount - every dollar helps! 

Every veterinary clinic knows charting is essential. These “charts” will be an integral part of facilitating guided play for kids and parents alike. With three learning levels: Technician (toddler), Veterinarian (pre-K and kindergarten), and Specialist (1st-3rd grade), and small pet and livestock books at each level , there are plenty of opportunities to have your pet featured in one of our charts. Each chart page will have a custom graphic of individual pets (provided by BRAY), the pet’s name, developmentally aligned information about the pet, and special notes about the pet, supplied by you. When your little technician, vet, or specialist is working at the clinic, they have a chance to open up the chart and see their favorite dog, donkey, or bearded dragon looking back at them!

Not only does this sponsorship earn your favorite pet a page in the chart book, but we’ll also do our very best to find a plush to match your pet, and outfit them with their very own collar and tag.

With a custom pet sponsorship your pet will have a page in the chart book, and a custom plush from Cuddle Clones made to look exactly like your furry bestie!

Dressing up is an essential part of immersive play. By sponsoring our lab coat station you or your business will help kids look and feel the part of a veterinarian, tech, or specialist. This sponsorship includes a custom portrait of your pet accompanying the lab coat station.

Watching and connecting with living creatures is an essential part of fostering empathy and observational skills required for good vet care and pet ownership. The CYMC vet clinic will be outfitted with a custom gerbil gymnasium that will provide a safe and engaging area for little vets to watch and note the behavior of our very own clinic gerbil, because pocket pets need love and vet care, too! A sponsorship of the gerbil gymnasium will include your name or business name on the gerbil’s enclosure denoting your contribution, your choice of theme for the gymnasium decor, as well as a custom portrait of your pet.

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CMYC Vet Clinic

Be part of something extraordinary! BRAY is collaborating with the Children's Museum of Yuma County to create the CMYC Vet Clinic—an imaginative exhibit where kids can explore the world of veterinary care, fostering empathy and curiosity through hands-on learning and play. Our goal is to raise $7,000 to bring this dream to life, and we've already raised $2,000! With your help, we can inspire future animal caregivers and create a meaningful experience for children. Every contribution counts!

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