Resources for the Donkey Owner and Enthusiast
Explore our collection of educational materials dedicated to promoting the welfare and appreciation of donkeys, burros, mules, and hinnys.
Nutrition & Care
American Association of Equine Practitioners - Practical feeding and condition scoring for donkeys
and mules
RSPCA - What Should I Feed My Donkey?
Cornell Cooperative Extension - Donkey’s Unique Nutritional Needs
The Hay Pillow - Slow Feeder
BareHoofCare - The Trouble with Donkey Hooves
BRAY/TIP Tuesdays - Feed
Health & Wellness
Vet Care Training - R+ Training to Prepare Your Animal for Vet Care
Find A Vet - AAEP Get-A-DVM
Iowa State University - Quarantine Guidelines
FAZD Center - Diseases that
Affect Horses, Ponies, Mules, and Donkeys (good vaccine info)
American Association of Equine Practitioners - Vaccine Guidelines
Southern Equine Service Veterinary Center - Don't Forget the Donkeys
Yarra Ranges Animal Hospital - Donkey Health Care
The Open Sanctuary Project - Potential Donkey Health Challenges
AAEP Archives - Ask the Vet
USA State Vets - Current State Vet Listings
Interstate Livestock - Travel Requirements
Equine Disease Communication Center - Disease Alerts
ASPCA - Toxic and Non-Toxic Plant List
Equus Magazine - Top 10 Toxic Plants
UF Large Animal Hospital - What to do if a snake bites your horse
American Association of Equine Practitioners - Abuse, Neglect, and Abandonment Resources
Vet Care Training - R+ Training to Prepare Your Animal for Vet Care
Desert Donkey Experiences - R+ Based Training and Guidance (AZ Local)
Gaia Horsemanship - Gentling, Liberty, and Saddle Training
The Donkey Listener - Success with Donkeys
Rockin' NT Mules - Feedback-Centered Training (AZ Local)
Mustang Maddy - R+ Approach
The Clicker Center - Clicker Training
Chimacum Tack - Donkey specific tack (halters, harness, etc)
Halter Up - Mini Donkey Halters
The Wild In Us - Pack saddles & riding tack
Bantam Saddle Tack - Miniature & small standard pack saddles
Mountain Ridge Gear - Pack saddles
Mages Treasure Chest - Donkey fly masks
Donkey Listener - Custom donkey gear
EasyBoots - Burro Boots
Cavallo - Burro Boots